“Medicare for All? Something Else? What Would You Do?” – Robert K. Smoldt, MBA, Associate Director Healthcare Delivery and Policy Program, ASU; Emeritus CAO, Mayo Clinic
In this session, Mr. Smoldt will describe three different health reform directions which the US could use to get the country to universal coverage — one direction would be “Medicare for All/Single Payer”. The other two would include: (2) the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program w private insurance option and (3) build on the ACA with some modifications. He will also share survey results showing which countries are happy with their health system and why.
The audience will be split into groups to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of the three directions. Following reports by each group of the three best advantages of the option they were reviewing, Mr. Smoldt will summarize their findings. Then a “vote” will be taken to see which way the Denver Medical Study Group would take to get the US to universal coverage.
Bob is the Chief Administrative Officer emeritus of Mayo Clinic. He served as a member of the Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees and Mayo Clinic Executive Committee from 1990-2007. Presently, he is Associate Director of the Arizona State University Healthcare Delivery and Policy Program. At Mayo Clinic, Bob worked in a variety of administrative positions in both medical and surgical departments prior to being named the Chief Administrative Officer. Bob also served two terms on the Board of Catholic Health Initiatives.
Mr. Smoldt earned the B.S. degree from Iowa State University and the M.B.A. degree from the University of Southern California. He has given numerous presentations including the DMSG and is a recognized speaker on the health care environment. He has provided leadership at Mayo Clinic facilities in both Rochester and Scottsdale. He has been involved in health care administration for over 30 years – both with the U.S. Air Force and Mayo Clinic. Mr. Smoldt joined Mayo in 1972, and he has worked in a variety of administrative positions in both medical and surgical departments. Prior to his CAO role, he served as chair of the Department of Planning and Public Affairs.
Mr. Smoldt also has been active in Medical Group Management Association including being the Chair of the organization’s research and marketing committees and has acted as moderator of its international conference in London, England. Most recently, he was a member of the Medical Group Management Association National Awards Committee, which honors those who make significant leadership contributions to health care administration, delivery or education in medical group practice and presents the following awards: Harry J. Harwick Award for Lifetime Achievement Award, Physician Executive Award, Fred Graham Award and Medical Practice Executive of the Year Award.